"FIVE - Nefesh, Ruach, Neshamah, Chayah, Yechidah” (oil paintings on canvas, 36”L x 128”W), 2024 - AVAILABLE
Study for “Five” (five oil paintings on canvas, 132”W x 36”H)
Begin Series - (L) Tav, Yud, Shin, Alef, Resh, Beit (R) (Oil paintings on canvas, 106” W x 20” H), 2020 - AVAILABLE
In Hebrew the word “Bereshit” means to begin, or in the beginning. These six, small canvases hang together as one piece, and each canvas represents one letter of the word “Bereshit” going from Right to Left as is read in Hebrew.
Tav Yud Shin Alef Resh Beit
Surge (Oil on canvas, 60”W x 54” H), 2022 and Surge, a video collage (1:05) - AVAILABLE
In this piece I was exploring and expressing the processes I experienced during a personal dehumanization experience. This piece was inspired by the process maps of Kate Crawford’s piece “Making of an AI”. and Joseph Stella’s Brooklyn Bridge works. This oil painting is shown together adjacent to a wall projection of the video piece. Below shows the stages of development of the painting.
Surge, stages of development
“After” a “Vibrant Matter” SVA Video collaboration with artist, Shayna Strype (1:38), 2022
Interactive events at Church Project, Installations in 2021 and 2022:
Abba (Oil Painting on Wood panel, 48” x 96”), 2021 and Corazon (Oil Painting/mixed media on Wood panel, 48” x 96”), 2022
TRIPTYCH - Soulvolution
(L) Scension, Rue (C), Underneath (R) (Oil paintings on wood panel, each is 48” x 96”), 2019 - AVAILABLE
Ascend (Oil painting on wood panel, 96” x 48”), 2018 - AVAILABLE
Both Sides (Oil painting on wood panel, 96” x 48”), 2018 - AVAILABLE
Bar Aleph (oil painting on canvas, 18” x 24”), 2020 and Bet Luna (oil painting on canvas, 18” x 24”), 2020