Photo by Julie Jenkins Strohkorb.
Jerry E. Strohkorb (b.1972, Chico, California USA, now Houston-based) is both a life-long visual artist and medical doctor. He draws inspiration from his knowledge and experiences in clinical medicine with focus on human degradation in health settings, psychological and emotional states, and exploration of eschatologic ideas around life and death processes. In his medical career he specialized in occupational medicine and public health with multiple advanced degrees from prominent institutions including The College of William & Mary, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Duke University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Both a scientist and an artist, his creative processes have been an integral part of his life, including attendance at Governor’s School for the Visual Arts, undergraduate study of visual art and music, and multiple Wilson Interdisciplinary scholarships studying sculpture with renowned artist, Paul DiPasquale. In recent years Jerry has participated in many shows in the USA and internationally. Jerry is now studying for his Master of Fine Arts at the School of Visual Arts in New York CIty, with a plan to transition to a full-time art practice.
Influences: I have been very influenced by past and contemporary artists who explore the unseen (Spiritual, psychological, emotional), including Gerhard Richter, Anselm Kiefer, Marc Chagall, David Hockney, Wassily Kandinski, Mark Rothko, and Pablo Picasso. I am also inspired by other emerging artists including Carlos D’anselmi, Igor Moritz, Knox Farrand, Michael John Clarence, Dominique Fung, Michael Kirkman
Solo Show (planning)
Group Show “room in a room in room” - Level of Service Not Required - Fine Art Gallery, La Jolla, CA
Group Show “New Way of Doing Things” - SVA Flatiron Gallery, NYC
Group Show, Rockella Space, Art Crawl and Launch - Level Gallery, NYC
Group Show “The Bridge” - Van Der Plas Gallery, NYC
Group Show “Sympoietic Encounters: Making-with in the Sixth Great Extinction” - SVA Gramercy Gallery, NYC
Group Show - Open Studios, School of Visual Arts - NYC
Artbox Project, Urbanside Gallery - Zurich, Switzerland
Started Master of Fine Arts in Art Practice, School of Visual Arts, NYC (planned completion 2025)
Group Show “FUTURE - Contemporary Days AMACI” at Rossocinabro Gallery - Rome, Italy - 3 works included
Luxembourg Art Prize - Certificate of Merit
Hardy and Nance Studios, Houston, Texas - “Yes, Ser!” Selected to participate in “Season of the Self,” a self portrait show
Group Installation at Church Project, My piece titled “Abba” (96” x 48”, oil painting on wood panel)
Group Show “Right Here, Right Now” at Rossocinabro Gallery - Rome, Italy - 3 works included
Barcelona Contemporary Art Fair, It’s Liquid Group - Barcelona, Spain - Group Show of 50 artists - 10 works included
London International Art Fair “Canvas, Mixed Identities - London UK (accepted into show, unable to attend due to COVID)
Music and Arts Festival, The Woodlands, Texas
Best In Show Judge for The Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival
“Art Matters,” speaker representing local artists
Luxembourg Art Prize - Certificate of Merit
Invited to Bayou City Art Festival - Houston, TX (not able to attend)
“Explore Art,” featured writer monthly column, Estate Living Magazine, Grogan’s Point (Sep 2019 through current)
Boardwalk Art Show - Virginia Beach, VA
Art City Austin - Austin, TX
Midtown Art in the Park - Houston, TX
Gateway International Painting Competition - “Scension” FINALIST Award
Archive: https://www.artworkarchive.com/profile/j-e-strohkorb